

20 Sep, 2023

Adoption means a legal process that allows someone to become the parent of a child,even though the parent and child are not related by blood.But in every other  way,adoptive parents are the child’s parents.

Meaning of Adoption ?

Adoption is the act of taking something on as our own and legally accepting another’s child.

Why it is better/desirable to adopt a child through the Child Welfare Institute?

Adopting a child is an emotional decision,however it needs the legal support.The trained social workers of Child welfare Institutions give support and help to complete the legal formalities.

Is it necessary for both the parents to desire a baby through  adoption?

Yes/True,because the childs upbringing  and welfare is the responsibility of both the  parents since the adopted child is going to be a  part of their family.

Criteria for parents to be eligible to adopt a child.

In India,an Indian,Non Residential Indian or a foreign citizen may adopt a child.If the parents fulfill the any one of following criteria they become eligible to adopt a child.

  1. Parents who are unable to have a child.

  2. They should be medically fit.

  3. Parents who already have children naturally born of them

  4. Both of them  must be 21 year old.

  5. They should be financially sound to take  care of the  child.

How do you recognize a child who needs you?

Children of all ages,cultures,religious and ethinic backgrounds may need a family for  life through adoption.Unlike other children the child is without parent and has nobody to shower love and affection upon him.

Requirements for adoption:

Following documents of parents  must be submitted along with the petition for adoption:

  1. Birth certificates

  2. Marriage certificates

  3. Medical /fitness certificates .

  4. A medical certificate of  a Gynecologist in case of a childless parents.

  5. Five postcard photographs of parents together.

  6. Five references from people who would vouch for the character of parents.

  7. Property declaration certificate.

  8. Income certificates.

  9. Certificate of saving/deposit with reference letter from banks.

Home Study Reports:

A major step in building your family through adoption is the home study.once you finalise the decision of adoption the social workers visit your home and take group and individual interviews of your family members to clear their doubts.

Selection of Baby:

Selection of a baby is also an important part of adoption.Parents should explain their ideas to social workers so that they would show them the baby which will fit their description.Usually three babies of their description would be shown.Parents should observe one baby at a time to avoid confusion at the time of selection.Parents will be informed about the health of the child but the information about the child’s natural parents will not be revealed.During this process the advice of a child specialist of your choice should be solicited.

What are the laws governing adoption?

Indian citizens who are Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, or Buddhists are allowed to formally adopt a child. The adoption is under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act of 1956. Under this act, a single parent or married couple are not permitted to adopt more than one child of the same sex. Foreign citizens, NRIs, and those Indian nationals who are Muslims, Parsis, Christians or Jews are subject to the Guardian and Wards Act of 1890. Under this act, the adoptive parent is only the guardian of the child until she reaches 18 years of age.

Foreign citizens and NRIs are supposed to formally adopt their child according to the adoption laws and procedures in the country of their residence. This must be carried out within two years of the individual becoming a child's guardian. There is also a Juvenile Justice Act of 2000, a part of which deals with adoption of children by non-Hindu parents. However, this act is applicable only to children who have been abandoned or abused and not to those children who have been voluntarily put up for adoption.

Follow up procedure after adoption:

Once everthing is  finalized and child goes to live with the parents a special relationship needs to be developed between the child and parents.The social worker visits the family from  time to time to help solve any problems and give timely advice and guidance.This follow up is carried out for three years according to Hindu Adoption act and for five years by the guardian and Wards Act.

What is the expenditure?

Child welfare Organisations are run on a no-profit,no-loss basis.But the basic expenses incurred by the organization to raise the child,service charges ,child care fee,legal fee need to be paid.

How can you help?

  1. Parents ,Engineers,Advocates,Lecturer,Doctors,Politicians,Businessmen,Journalist and writers can help in getting home for the orphans.

  2. By giving publicity to the issues of adoption through personal contacts,articles in newspapers and magazines,thus helping to create awareness and an environment conductive for adoption in society.

  3. By giving donation in cash or in kind to organization.

  4. By making efforts to grant maternity leave for adoptive mothers from their work place.

  5. By giving information about interested parents to social workers.