

01 Jun, 2024

A guide to toddler serving sizes…

Dr. Narendra Rathi


Senior Pediatrician,

Smile Children Clinic, Andheri west, Mumbai.

Hello, mamas and papas of parents in Andheri! Ever wonder if your little one is getting the right amount of food for their daily adventures? Between park trips, play sessions, sandcastle building, and those oh-so-important dance parties, figuring out how much to serve your toddler can feel like a tricky balancing act. By the way, this is one of the commonest question we face at our Smile Children Clinic in Andheri west, Mumbai. Worry not, fellow parents! Today, we're diving into the world of toddler serving sizes with some helpful tips and tricks, all inspired by the trusted guidance of the nutrition science in children ( .

Remember, every tiny tot is unique. What works for one might not be ideal for another. But don’t worry, this advice is your friendly neighborhood compass, pointing you in the right direction. So, grab your favorite sippy cup (toddlers love those!), and let's get started!

The magic formula: Tiny tummies, tiny portions

First things first, let's not use the adult-sized plates. A toddler's tummy is much smaller, so their portions need to be smaller too. Think one-quarter of an adult serving as a general rule of thumb. This might seem small, but trust us, their little bodies are super-efficient at using those nutrients!


Building a balanced bite:

Now, onto the fun part – filling those tiny plates with goodness! Imagine a colorful rainbow on your child's plate, representing the different food groups:

  • Fruits and veggies: Aim for 1-2 tablespoons each. Think bite-sized apple slices, steamed broccoli florets, or a handful of cherry tomatoes. Remember, variety is the key!

  • Grains: Think 1-4 slices of whole grain chapatis or parathas, a small scoop of khichadi, or some dal rice. Whole grains provide fiber and energy, keeping those toddlers running.

  • Protein: 1-2 ounces is enough. Offer grilled chicken strips, scrambled eggs, thick dal, or paneer or some crushed groundnuts recipe (Remember it is not essential to eat nonveg to satisfy protein requirements!). Protein helps build strong muscles and bones.

  • Dairy: 4-6 ounces is perfect. Offer milk, yogurt, paneer or cheese. Dairy provides calcium for healthy bones and teeth.

Remember: These are just starting points! Adjust portions based on your child's appetite, activity level, and growth.

Bonus tip: Let your little one be the guide! Offer smaller portions and allow them to ask for more if they're still hungry. This helps them develop healthy eating habits and trust their body's signals.


More tips for picky eaters (we've all experienced that!):

  • Get creative! Cut food into fun shapes, use colorful plates, and involve your child in shopping to meal prep.

  • Offer choices. Let them pick between two healthy options, giving them a sense of control.

  • Don't force it. If they refuse a food, offer it again another time. Consistency is key!

  • Lead by example. Make healthy choices yourself, and your little one will likely follow suit.


And when in doubt, seek expert advice!

The most trusted and expert children's clinic in Andheri, Mumbai can offer invaluable guidance. Consider consulting a pediatrician at Smile Well Child Clinic at Andheri West, Mumbai, known for their expertise in child nutrition and development. They can tailor recommendations specific to your child's needs and address any concerns you might have.

Remember, mamas and papas, you're doing a great job! Raising healthy, happy toddlers is a journey, and this piece of suggestion is just a helpful map along the way. You are not alone, remember the saying “Pediatricians eat because children don’t”! 

Enjoy the process, celebrate the little victories (like finishing a whole plate of veggies!), and trust your instincts. With a little love, patience, and the right guidance, your little explorer will be fueled for all their adventures to come!