

04 Jul, 2023

Toys suggested for infants (0 - 1) years

  1. Hanging toys.

  2. Bright colorful plastic rings.

  3. Bells and rattles.

  4. Soft stuffed toys.

  5. Cups and spoons.

  6. Balls.

  7. Push and pull toys.

  8. Musical toys.

Toys for toddler (1 – 5 years )


  1. Imitative toys.

  2. Plastic building blocks.

  3. Simple puzzles.

  4. Soft stuffed animals.

  5. Musical toys with different musical notes.

  6. Simple colorful picture books.

Things to remember while buying toys

  1. Toys should be age appropriate.

  2. Child should enjoy playing with the toys.

  3. Simple and in expensive toys.

  4. Attractive and colorful toys.

  5. Toys should not have sharp edges.

  6. Homemade toys can be preferred.

  7. Soft, unbreakable, big toys should be preferred.

Precautions parents should take while children are playing

  • Parents should keep a close watch while children play.

  • Parents should prevent children from playing near water bodies, fire, electrical gadgets, inflammable material.

  • The play area should be well lighted, and hare a good ventilation and preferably at ground level.

Toys to be avoided

  1. Sharp pointed toys

  2. Toys containing lead.

  3. Too heavy toys.

  4. Toys containing to small parts, beads, beans, which a child could swallow and get choked.

  5. Toys with large strings, ropes and threads.

  6. Children need the freedom and time to play.